“Okay” song and video released

“Okay” is out now! Justin’s newest song has received acclaim from many individuals and organizations in the music industry and now – three years after it was written – it’s officially released. Created during the heart of the pandemic, the song’s message of hope and positive thinking is wrapped inside a catchy tune that’s easy and fun to sing along to.

“This song came about in a different way than any others I’ve written,” said Justin. “Usually the melody and a line or two of the lyrics just kind of pop into my head. But with “Okay”, it all started with my guitar, and the melody came about more than a month before I attempted to put any lyrics to it. Since it was 2020 and everything seemed to be kind of falling apart around me, I decided to make it about being “okay” even in the face of fear and uncertainty.”

And as for the video? “It’s different than any I’ve done before. The message is there, but it’s brought home in a way that’s super fun and funny!”

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